
Vă prezentăm o colecție de articole și cărți relevante despre problema animalelor hoinare. Această secțiune va fi actualizată regulat, iar unele informații din limba engleză, vor fi traduse în română pe parcursul proiectului.

Nr.Titlu articolAutoriData
1.Situația câinilor fără stăpân
din România-Politici, cadru legislativ și soluții
Roxana Pencea I, Tudor Brădățan05.01.2015
2.A review of the interactions between free-roaming domestic dogs and wildlifeJoelene Hughes, David W. Macdonald03.07.2012
Raport privind localizarea, cartarea și monitorizarea zonelor cheie (hotspot areas) în care sunt identificate concentrări mari de câini hoinari (Canis lupus familiaris) în arealele importante pentru conservarea lupilor (Canis Lupus)
Asociația pentru Conservarea Diversității Biologice(ACDB)01.12.2015
4. Proiect privind gestionarea câinilor cu și fără stăpân din Timișoara.Dr. Carmen ARSENE, Vicepreşedinte Federaţia Naţională pentru Protecţia Animalelor (FNPA), august 201202.08.2012
5.Contribution of illegal hunting, culling of pest species, road accidents and feral dogs to biodiversity loss in established oil-palm landscapes
Badrul Azhar, David Lindenmayer, Jeff Wood, Joern Fischer, Adrian D Manning ,Chris McElhinny, Mohamed Zakaria
6.Bad dog: feral and free‐roaming dogs as agents of conflictJulie Young, David L. Bergman10.08.2018
7.Bait effectiveness in camera trap studies in the Iberian PeninsulaNoé Ferreira-Rodríguez, Manuel A. Pombal07.09.2018
8.Biodiversity Conservation Requires Management of Feral Domestic AnimalsCristian Bonacic, Rocío Almuna, José Tomás Ibarra11.06.2009
9.Evaluation of Unowned Domestic Cat Management in the Urban Environment of Rome After 30 Years of Implementation of the No-Kill Policy (National and Regional Laws).Natoli E1Malandrucco L1Minati L1Verzichi S1Perino R1Longo L1Pontecorvo F1Faini A119.02.2019
10.Canine Menace: Feral Dogs, Bison, and Rewilding in the Carpathian MountainsMonica Vasile, Ștefan Voicu12.06.2019
11.Dogs in India are a problem for wildlifeSahana Ghosh16.04.2018
12.Nutrient fertilization by dogs in peri-urbanecosystemsPieter De Frenne, Mathias Cougnon, Geert P. J. Janssens, Pieter Vangansbeke21.12.2021
13. Redefining feral dogs in biodiversity conservationRocíoContreras-AbarcaaSilvio J.CrespinbcDaríoMoreira-ArcedeJavier A.Simonettia10.01.2022
14. Domestic cats and their impacts on biodiversity: A blind spot in the application of nature conservation lawArie Trouwborst,Phillipa C. McCormack,Elvira Martínez Camacho04.02.2020
15. The impact of domestic dogs on biodiversity: An ecological and social project exploring the impacts of domestic dogs on Boroondara’s parklandsAlison Farrar, Dave Kendal, Alex Kutt
16.The ecology and behavior of feral dogs: A case
study from central Italy
Luigi Boitani, Francesco Francisci, Paolo Ciucci and Giorgio Andreoli25.08.2016
17.Free-Ranging Dogs and Wildlife Conservation-Oxford University Press Matthew E. Gompper 2014
18.IUCN-RSG Human-wildlife interactions: Domestic and feral dogs: threat and mitigation of dogs and dog owners in reintroduction programs.Adriana Consorte-McCrea, Jacob Robert Owens, Sian Waters, J. Marino
19. Is Wildlife Going to the Dogs?
Impacts of Feral and Free-roaming
Dogs on Wildlife Populations
Julie K. Young, Kirk A. Olson, Richard P. Reading, Sukh Amgalanbaatar, Joel Berger02.2011
20. Dogs gone wild: feral dog damage in the United StatesDavid L. Bergman, Stewart Breck05.2009
21. Dogs, zoonoses, and public healthCalum N. L. Macpherson, F.X. Meslin, Alexander I. Wandeler 2012
22.The ecology of stray dogs: A study of
free-ranging urban animals
Alan M. Beck1973/2002